The longest running musical theatre school in the
Highlands providing inspirational musical theatre classes.

The longest running musical theatre
school in the Highlands providing
inspirational musical theatre classes.

Open Acro (6 – 10 yrs) (Thursday)

You can sign up, manage your students and enrol them in classes using our customer portal. APPLY NOW FULL CLASS TIMETABLE Thursday 6:00 – 7:00 Age 6-10 years Open Acro covers the first two levels in our Acrobatic Arts Syllabus. Acrobatic Dance, or ‘Acro’ as it is commonly referred to is the beautiful fusion of […]

Acro D (Friday)

You can sign up, manage your students and enrol them in classes using our customer portal. APPLY NOW FULL CLASS TIMETABLE Friday 7:30 – 8:30 Age 11+ years Acro D is the final level in our Acrobatic Arts Syllabus. At this level students can work towards exams. Acrobatic Dance, or ‘Acro’ as it is commonly […]

Acro C (Friday)

You can sign up, manage your students and enrol them in classes using our customer portal. APPLY NOW FULL CLASS TIMETABLE Friday 6:30 – 7:30 Age 9-10 years Acro C is the 4th level in our Acrobatic Arts Syllabus at this level students can chose to work towards exams. Acrobatic Dance, or ‘Acro’ as it […]

Acro B (Friday)

You can sign up, manage your students and enrol them in classes using our customer portal. APPLY NOW FULL CLASS TIMETABLE Friday 5:30 -6:30 Age 7-8 years Acro B is the third level in our Acrobatic Arts Syllabus. At this level students can start to work towards an exam level. Acrobatic Dance, or ‘Acro’ as […]

Acro A (Friday)

You can sign up, manage your students and enrol them in classes using our customer portal. APPLY NOW FULL CLASS TIMETABLE Friday 4:30 – 5:30 Age 5-6 years Acro A is the second level in our Acrobatic Arts Syllabus. Acrobatic Dance, or ‘Acro’ as it is commonly referred to is the beautiful fusion of classic […]

Pre-school Acro (Saturday)

You can sign up, manage your students and enrol them in classes using our customer portal. APPLY NOW FULL CLASS TIMETABLE Saturday 10:15 – 10:45 Age 3-4 years Pre-School Acro is our entry level class following the Acrobatics Arts Syllabus. This curriculum focuses on physical literacy. The focus of this program includes learning the acro […]

Acro A (Saturday)

You can sign up, manage your students and enrol them in classes using our customer portal. APPLY NOW FULL CLASS TIMETABLE Saturday 9:00 – 10:00 Age 5-7 years Acro A is the second level in our Acrobatic Arts Syllabus. Acrobatic Dance, or ‘Acro’ as it is commonly referred to is the beautiful fusion of classic […]